The Director General of the Swiss Economy visited China


State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Inechen-Fleisch, Director General of the Directorate General for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, will pay a working visit to the People's Republic of China from 28 November to 1 December 2017. The Ambassador of Switzerland to China, Jean-Jacques de Dardel, invited representatives of KellerTechnologies to attend a reception dinner at the Swiss Ambassador's Residence on Tuesday, 28 November (6:30 PM - 9:00 PM). The invited guests also gathered together industry elites and political leaders from China and Switzerland.

H.E. Dr. Jean Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland,delivered welcome remarks

Before the dinner, H.E. Dr. Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland to China, delivered a welcome speech to welcome Ms. Inechen-Fleisch and her delegation. His lively and humorous language made the atmosphere very relaxed, and there were happy laughter from time to time.

Ms. Marie-Gabrielle Inechen-Fleisch, Director General of the Directorate General of the Swiss Economy and Secretary of State, thanked Ambassador Dardel for his thoughtful organization and welcomed all the distinguished guests. She said that the relationship between China and Switzerland is profound. As one of the first Western European countries to recognize the new China, China is the first continental European country to sign a free trade agreement with China, and one of the first countries to join the AIIB. The Xi President's visit to Switzerland at the beginning of this year had a great impact, and he hoped to take this opportunity to further deepen the implementation of the China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement and deepen the interaction and cooperation between enterprises of the two sides.

State Secretary for Economic Affairs, H.E. Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen Fleisch delivered a speech

H.E. Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen Fleisch and H.E. Dr. Jean Jacques de Dardel, spoke with the guests

Embassy officials and representatives of Swiss companies in China

H.E. Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen Fleisch listens to a representative of a Swiss company talk about what their company is doing in China

Marie-Gabrielle Inechen-Fleisch, Director General of the Swiss General Bureau of Economic Affairs and Secretary of State, was enthusiastic to listen to Wang Lan, representative of Keller, about Keller 's development and practice in China, understand and pay attention to the relevant situation of Keller 's low carbon city project, and she expressed sincere admiration and praise to Dr. Tian Yuan, a female entrepreneur who has made contributions to the construction industry in China! We express our concern for the future development of Keller Technologies and send our sincere wishes.

State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Inechen-Fleisch, Director General of the Swiss General Office for Economic Affairs, and Deputy General Manager Jiang Huan and Creative Director Wang Lan

On the left is Yves Morath, Counsellor of Swiss Trade and Investment, and Wang Lan, Creative Director of Keller Construction Representative Planning, talking about the Swiss Green Building Council. Commercial Counselor Yves Morath said that he will try his best to cooperate with Keller and the members of the Swiss Green Building Council to promote the development of green buildings of Swiss standards and quality and high comfort in China.

Mr. David Braun, Economic Advisor of the Embassy of Switzerland (1st from left) and Mr. Marco Jaggi, President of the Swiss Cleaning Council (2nd from right) and Mr. Jiang Huan, Deputy General Manager of Keller Technologies (1st from right) and Ms. Wang Lan, Creative Director of the Project

At the dinner, the Swiss Ambassador to China, Jean-Jacques de Dardel, had a very formal communication with the representative of Keller, Wang Lan, indicating that the circumstances surrounding the Swiss Keller Low Carbon City project needed the support of the Ambassador Steven Hathaway and the work of the Ambassador Steven needed the help of companies like Keller, and we arranged for another separate formal meeting. He said: "I do not like the current local government's so-called image project, we do not need and do not want to help Swiss companies in China to do vanity projects, we need the government, enterprises, investors to work together to implement the high standard and high comfort of residential housing, and jointly promote and expand the sustainable development of building energy efficiency in China..." Thank you, Ambassador, for sharing the same idea with Kailo and making concerted efforts for the development of China and Switzerland and for the bright future of sustainable development of the world!